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Cherrelle Slaney

Bonus Episode: Q&A

In this episode I'm answering some questions that I've come across in the wider community. I'm covering what impact diet culture and the patriarchy have on your cycle as well as discussing the impoartance of setting good boundaries.

listen below

In this bonus episode I’m answering questions that have been sent in by my Instagram followers, as well as common themes I’ve seen crop up in the wider community. I’ll be discussing why you feel like you want to ditch your significant other every month and how healthy boundaries can help. I’m also talking body confidence (or lack thereof) and the one thing I wish I could say to all young menstruators. 

links from this episode

the menstrual cycle quiz

Each phase of your menstrual cycle can tell you something different about yourself. Not sure what phase you’re in?

I think what you do it so helpful and important. I wish I’d known more about my cycle in my twenties. Well bloody done!

– jodie

This was so easy to listen to. Its real and raw and honest. I genuinely really enjoyed and appreciated that.

– Karly

Thank you for the podcast – every word you said was SO relatable. Now I am doing everything I can to get control over PMDD.

– Ruth